Accreditation is the process by which a Certification Body (CB) like EPI is recognised to offer certification services. Having accreditation means that we have been independently assessed as possessing the expertise and competency to audit and certify to each of the listed standards on our website. In order to become accredited, EPI is required to implement a Quality Management System which is assessed by an independent authorized body (National Accreditation Body) to determine that we meet International Standards for certifying bodies. EPI is audited annually to ensure our audit and audit and certification services meet the stringent requirements of the relevant accreditation standards.

Organisations which are seeking to have a system certified to an international standard should ensure that the assessment and certification is carried out by a competent accredited body. This means that the CB providing the service is accredited and can provide evidence that it has the expertise, skills, proven knowledge of the standard and the CB itself operates a quality service.

A National Accreditation Body exists in most countries to perform the task of approving, monitoring and auditing certification services provided by organisations who undertake audit services. National Authorities liaise through an International Accreditation Forum ( to ensure that International Standards are adopted in a uniform manner to enable International Recognition.

EPI Certification Pte Ltd has achieved Formal Accreditation in the following Standards:


  • ISO 9001 accredited by SAC

  • ISO 14001 accredited by SAC

  • ISO 45001 accredited by SAC

  • ​ISO 27001 and ISO 27701 accredited by SAC

  • TIA-942 and SAC Accredited Certification Body

  • TIA-942 by Certac

  • Data Protection Certification Assessment Body by IMDA (Infocomm Media Development Authority)


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